   <title>MyPlayer - An Audio Player for the Web with Playlist and ID3 Support</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/index.css">
   <div class="home"><a href="http://tk-sls.de">//tk-sls.de</a></div>

   <p>An audio player (mp3, ogg) for the web with M3U-playlist and ID3-support.</p>

   <p>Based on mediaelement.js. MIT-licensed. Cooks coffee (almost).</p>


   <p>This project provides a JavaScript constructor <tt>MyPlayer({...options...})</tt> that can be used
   to embed lists of audio files as read from an index document or an M3U into a web document.</p>

   <p>They will be displayed in a playback GUI with a playlist that can optionally be filled
   from the "title" and "artist" values of the files' ID3 tags (v1 and v2 are supported).</p>

   <p>The player is "detachable", meaning the user can open it in a new window, 
   preventing that playback breaks when the user leaves the page.</p>


   <p>Documentation &amp; Examples: <a href="demo/index.html">demo/index.html</a></p>

   <p>Current release is: 11-20-2015</p>

   <p>Download URL (latest tarball): <a title="MyPlayer Download (.tar.gz)" href="http://tk-sls.de/ref/myplayer.dist.tar.gz">http://tk-sls.de/ref/myplayer.dist.tar.gz</a></p>

   <p>Project website: <a title="MyPlayer Project Website" href="http://tk-sls.de/ref/myplayer/">http://tk-sls.de/ref/myplayer/</a></p>

   <h2>Additional Reading:</h2>

   <p>License: <a href="LICENSE.txt">MIT</a>.</p>
   <p>See <a href="README.txt">README.txt</a> for further information.</p>

   <h2>Author Contact:</h2>

   <p>Please send questions to: tilt at linuxfoo dot de</p>