Drawing a Yellow Rectangle on Android
This is a gradle-based project for Android Studio, tested in Version 3.0.1. It builds an App "YellowRectangle" providing an activity "DrawYellowRectangle".
When launched, the app draws a yellow rectangle on a black backdrop.
The app will exit on the first touch event.
The minimum required version of Android is 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1).
This project depends on the Allegro game development library (http://liballeg.org); the dependency is automatically resolved by Android Studio using the Maven AAR distribution of Allegro (https://bintray.com/liballeg/maven).
Elias Pschernig's AAR distribution of Allegro and his step-by-step tutorial on using it with Android Studio (https://github.com/liballeg/android).
See Also
Website of this project: http://tk-sls.de/wp/5082
Released into the Public Domain on Mar 23rd 2018 by Tilman Kranz t.kranz@tk-sls.de.