Artikel in Kategorie "Technik"

Comparing Distinguished LDAP Names

In a Bourne Shell script, a distinguished name (DN) for performing an LDAP-query is held in a variable: dn=“cn=Malmø,ou=County Capitals,dc=Sweden,dc=Europe“ For the purpose of demonstration, this example DN contains a non-ASCII character. Let’s write a Bourne Shell function that escapes such special characters as requested by RFC 4514 using perl’s Net::LDAP::Util: canonical_dn() { perl -s […]

Determining User Access on a Linux Filesystem with „Classic Permissions“

Introduction Looking at a Linux filesystem, checking if a certain file or directory is accessible for reading, writing or executing by certain users or groups poses interesting challenges. Let the basic and seemingly simple question be: „Given a user X and a file Y, can it be determined if X has access to Y, and […]

Neue Foto-Galerie (mit alten Fotos)

Ich habe alle Fotos aus meiner alten Galerie in PhotoShow gekippt. →Zur neuen Galerie

AD-Precreation using ktutil, kinit and adcli

Using computer object precreation you can enable machines to join an Active Directory domain with knowledge of just one dedicated one-time-password. Combined with delegation you can offload management of computer objects to an otherwise unprivileged AD user.

Drawing a Yellow Rectangle on Android

As an addendum to my previous article, there now also is an Android App „YellowRectangle“ that draws a yellow rectangle and terminates on the first touch event. It runs on Android version 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1) and upward. It is written in Java and C++ and uses the Allegro game development library (

Drawing A Yellow Rectangle

Premise On the weekend i wanted to perform the task of drawing a yellow rectangle programmatically onto the screen of a Personal Computer: The program would feature a viewport that occupies the entirety of the primary display of the PC. On the viewport, 640 pixels could be adressed in width, 480 in height. The viewport […]

Creative E-MU 1616m PCIe on Windows 10 64bit

Update: Update 1903 of Windows 10 introduced breaking changes that Creative will not fix anymore. The device can still be brought to operation following this article on by Mr. Freddie Stjerna. Having performed the procedure described therein, my 1616m PCIe works flawlessly on Win10Pro64, also as an ASIO device for Ableton 10 (64bit). Update […]

xdraw 1.1

I was very pleased to notice that my small Xlib-utility xdraw has made it across the years unscathed. It compiled after 11 years of complete lack of code or build system maintenance. Hail to the stability of the X Library! However, i found the visual quality of the drawing results a bit lacking – the […]