Sonnenuntergang im Januar 2016

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Tischplatte für Schreibtisch aus Birke TiPla

Bau eines einfachen Schreibtisches aus 4 Beinen und Ankern und einer Tischlerplatte Birke aus dem Baumarkt.

Aufbau des Schreibtisches.

Aufbau des Schreibtisches.

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Nachmittags- und Abendstimmungen

Wolken-Panos in der Galerie

Heute Nachmittag oberhalb des Orts aufgenommen:

 MyPlayer Update

New: Options for „Autoplay“, „Loop“ and „Shuffle“.

Basic Example for Response-Policy-Zones with BIND

I would like to emulate a public DNS entry that does not exist yet, while i am developing the service that will use this name on an intranet server. Let a public domain name i develop the service for be When working in my intranet, i want to override whatever public DNS resolves this as to some the IP I would like to implement this using the „response-policy zones“ (RPZ) feature available in recent versions of BIND.

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Stabilize Shaky Video With ffmpeg and vidstab


On my walking and hiking tours i often do not carry my camera but only my Android phone. Unlike the camera, the phone features no image stabilization mechanism whatsoever. In the past i have used the option offered by Google’s YouTube to apply a transformation that compensates for the most unfriendly effects of my hands being a bit shaky after some 10 or 20 miles of hiking. Since i am now moving forward to a more self-hosted approach of presenting my videos, i would like to have a similar procedure available locally.

For the ffmpeg software, which i use to convert A/V streams into internet-friendly output formats such as VP8 and Ogg Vorbis, there is a plugin „vidstab“ that is capable of doing the same thing.

In this article i describe a „two-pass“ procedure of applying „vidstab“ during a video conversion procedure, and i present some initial results i had when experimenting with the plugin’s parameters.

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Land- und Abendstimmungen

Meckesheim, Zuzenhausen 3.10.2015
Aufgenommen auf dem Rundweg von Spechbach über Meckesheim, Zuzenhausen und Eschelbronn.