Update Nov 3 2024: There is an update to this article that provides this script as commandline utility. There is also a Git repository. For an application given by „application name“ or „executable name“, output the corresponding .desktop file, if any: #!/bin/sh IFS=“:“ xdg_data_dirs=${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share:/usr/share} search=$1 for i in $xdg_data_dirs ; do a=“$i/applications“ [ -d $a […]
Articles in Category "GNU/Linux"
Transforming Sets of Strings to their Common Prefix Notation
2. Februar 2024 in Programmierung.
Update Aug 20 2022: There is an update to this article that fixes a known issue. There is also a Git repository containing a reference implementation. Any two strings s1, s2 have a common prefix cp, which is the string of characters that s1 and s2 have in common up from the start. If s1, […]
Pi-KVM Hat v3
20. August 2023 in Administration, GNU/Linux, Technik.
Ich freue mich, zu den Glücklichen zu gehören, die den Pi-KVM Hat v3 mit passendem Stahlgehäuse ergattert haben (https://pikvm.org/). Das Warten hat sich gelohnt.
CentOS/8 Stream on libvirt/KVM with Kickstart and virt-install
22. Januar 2023 in Administration, GNU/Linux, Technik.
This article describes using Kickstart to automate the CentOS installer and virt-install to automate the creation of a VM. The following setup is assumed: There is a libvirt hypervisor called virthost. ssh to virthost as „root“ is possible.
WordPress-Plugin to Embed Gitlab Project Information
1. Januar 2022 in Programmierung, Technik.
For my personal use, i wrote a small WordPress plugin that allows me to embed a link to a Gitlab repository, a list of commits and a link to the releases of that project in a WP post. Example (linebreaks added to shortcode for readability): [gitlab-show-project url=“https://tk-sls.de/gitlab“ project_id=43 max=3 author=“none“ releases=“latest“] Output:
Interactive nftables Ruleset Editor
11. Januar 2024 in Administration, GNU/Linux, Technik.
I wrote a simple shell tool to interactively edit the current nftables ruleset using a terminal-based text editor (respecting environment variable EDITOR and defaulting to vim). For testing purposes, it can optionally revert the changes after a timeout specified in seconds (option –timeout SECONDS, requires systemd-run).
GRE Setup for Bacula on a Mobile Client
9. November 2024 in Administration, GNU/Linux, Technik.
The way Bacula works is: A backup client runs a TCP server process bacula-fd, waiting for a backup server process bacula-dir to connect and perform backup and restore jobs. There is a simple authentication mechanism, where bacula-dir presents a shared secret to bacula-fd to be granted access. Opening the bacula-fd TCP server on an exposed […]
Create or Append a debian/changelog Entry
31. Oktober 2021 in Administration, GNU/Linux, Programmierung, Technik.
Since i always have to look this up, everytime i need it, i write it down once, as „note to self“! NAME=“John Smith“ EMAIL=j.smith@example.org \ dch –create \ –package my-package \ –newversion 0.1 \ „Initial release“ And that’s it! 🙂