Artikel in Kategorie "Administration"

Print XDG Desktop Definition for Application

For an application given by „application name“ or „executable name“, output the corresponding .desktop file, if any: #!/bin/sh IFS=“:“ xdg_data_dirs=${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share:/usr/share} search=$1 for i in $xdg_data_dirs ; do a=“$i/applications“ [ -d $a ] && for d in „$a“/*.desktop ; do grep -q -e „^Name=.*$search“ -e „^Exec=.*$search“ „$d“ && { echo „# $d:“ grep -Ev ‚^(Comment|GenericName|Keywords|Name\[)‘ „$d“ […]

Pi-KVM Hat v3

Ich freue mich, zu den Glücklichen zu gehören, die den Pi-KVM Hat v3 mit passendem Stahlgehäuse ergattert haben ( Das Warten hat sich gelohnt.

CentOS/8 Stream on libvirt/KVM with Kickstart and virt-install

This article describes using Kickstart to automate the CentOS installer and virt-install to automate the creation of a VM. The following setup is assumed: There is a libvirt hypervisor called virthost. ssh to virthost as „root“ is possible.

Interactive nftables Ruleset Editor

I wrote a simple shell tool to interactively edit the current nftables ruleset using a terminal-based text editor (respecting environment variable EDITOR and defaulting to vim). For testing purposes, it can optionally revert the changes after a timeout specified in seconds (option –timeout SECONDS, requires systemd-run).

GRE Setup for Bacula on a Mobile Client

The way Bacula works is: A backup client runs a TCP server process bacula-fd, waiting for a backup server process bacula-dir to connect and perform backup and restore jobs. There is a simple authentication mechanism, where bacula-dir presents a shared secret to bacula-fd to be granted access. Opening the bacula-fd TCP server on an exposed […]

Create or Append a debian/changelog Entry

Since i always have to look this up, everytime i need it, i write it down once, as „note to self“! NAME=“John Smith“ \ dch –create \ –package my-package \ –newversion 0.1 \ „Initial release“ And that’s it! 🙂

Generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) for TLS Server Certificates

Overview In this article, a procedure is described to generate multiple certificate signing requests (CSR) for TLS servers, such as SMTP-, IMAP- or HTTP-servers, so that we can submit them to a Certificate Authority (CA). The CA will eventually perform the signature and return a public certificate to us. A Shell and the software OpenSSL […]

Methods of HTTP Caching

Preface I find the world wide web and the spectrum of methods and instruments that make it happen full of dubiousness and opportunity alike. Caching is generally known as one of the „hard problems“ of information science, and this is not different when it comes to technologies of the web. The text presented here, as […]