Articles in Category "Technik"

 The Internet Security Architecture

Eine Bemerkung über das Funktionieren

Nach einer Weile hört man immer mal wieder gewisse Sprüche über das Funktionieren irgendwelcher Produkte, Technologien, Techniken, Lösungswege, Praktiken oder Konfigurationen X: „Was funktioniert [also X], ist gut.“ „X ist nicht schön, aber es funktioniert.“ „Hauptsache, es [gemeint ist X] funktioniert.“ „Wieso, es [X] funktioniert doch!“ „Wir wissen zwar nicht warum, aber es [X] funktioniert.“ Lösungen […]

Removing the Builtin Inline CSS from WordPress

Should you – as i did – wonder why WordPress renders a bucket of inline CSS into the HTML output (such as –wp–preset–font-size–normal in <html> or  –wp–preset–color–white in <body>): This is done to accomodate frontend editing with Gutenberg. If you – as i do – are not using Gutenberg frontend editing, then the following PHP […]

Updated Common Prefix Notation Transformation

This is an update to my previous article on determining the common prefixes of a set of strings (passed a sequence of lines) and printing them in common prefix notation (CPN). The problem of reconstructing strings from the original input that are complete prefixes of other input strings is addressed. The code is now in […]

Find Files by Size given in Bytes

Some examples: Find files in current directory that have a size of 400 bytes or more: sfind -min 400 Find files in /etc that have a size of 50 kilobytes (1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes) or more: sfind -dir /etc -min 50k Find files in /var with size between 100 and 500 megabytes, suppress warnings, […]

Print XDG Desktop Definition for Application

Update Nov 3 2024: There is an update to this article that provides this script as commandline utility. There is also a Git repository. For an application given by „application name“ or „executable name“, output the corresponding .desktop file, if any: #!/bin/sh IFS=“:“ xdg_data_dirs=${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share:/usr/share} search=$1 for i in $xdg_data_dirs ; do a=“$i/applications“ [ -d $a […]

Transforming Sets of Strings to their Common Prefix Notation

Update Aug 20 2022: There is an update to this article that fixes a known issue. There is also a Git repository containing a reference implementation. Any two strings s1, s2 have a common prefix cp, which is the string of characters that s1 and s2 have in common up from the start. If s1, […]

Pi-KVM Hat v3

Ich freue mich, zu den Glücklichen zu gehören, die den Pi-KVM Hat v3 mit passendem Stahlgehäuse ergattert haben ( Das Warten hat sich gelohnt.