
Mein Arbeitgeber, B1 Systems GmbH hat in meinem Namen eine Patenschaft für einen afrikanischen Pinguin gesponsert. 🙂

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Pi-KVM Hat v3

Ich freue mich, zu den Glücklichen zu gehören, die den Pi-KVM Hat v3 mit passendem Stahlgehäuse ergattert haben ( Das Warten hat sich gelohnt.

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CentOS/8 Stream on libvirt/KVM with Kickstart and virt-install

This article describes using Kickstart to automate the CentOS installer and virt-install to automate the creation of a VM.

The following setup is assumed:

  • There is a libvirt hypervisor called virthost.
  • ssh to virthost as „root“ is possible.

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WordPress-Plugin to Embed Gitlab Project Information

For my personal use, i wrote a small WordPress plugin that allows me to embed a link to a Gitlab repository, a list of commits and a link to the releases of that project in a WP post.

Example (linebreaks added to shortcode for readability):



Project information not readable.

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Interactive nftables Ruleset Editor

I wrote a simple shell tool to interactively edit the current nftables ruleset using a terminal-based text editor (respecting environment variable EDITOR and defaulting to vim).

For testing purposes, it can optionally revert the changes after a timeout specified in seconds (option --timeout SECONDS, requires systemd-run).

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 Other Ways


GRE Setup for Bacula on a Mobile Client

The way Bacula works is:

  • A backup client runs a TCP server process bacula-fd, waiting for a backup server process bacula-dir to connect and perform backup and restore jobs.
  • There is a simple authentication mechanism, where bacula-dir presents a shared secret to bacula-fd to be granted access.

Opening the bacula-fd TCP server on an exposed network interface may be fine for static backup clients with dedicated storage networking towards the backup server, but on a mobile computer bacula-fd should be reachable by bacula-dir only if the computer is connected by Ethernet to the home network. Specifically, the TCP server port of bacula-fd should not be exposed on the Ethernet NIC.

To implement this, i have defined a GRE tunnel between mobile backup client and home network backup server.

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