Wanderung zur St.-Martins-Kapelle in Meckesheim

Heute bin ich zum alten Friedhof von Meckesheim und der Ruine der dortigen Kapelle gewandert. Von der Kapelle sind nur noch Ruinen des Chors erhalten.

Ruine des Chorgebäudes der Kapelle

Ruine des Chorgebäudes der Kapelle

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20 Kilometer Tour bei 35 Grad Celsius

Gestern von Spechbach aus via Kloster Lobenfeld, am Golfplatz Lobenfeld vorbei via Dilsbergerhof auf den Dilsberg, zurück via Mückenloch (wo es übrigens keine Mücken hatte) und Waldwimmersbach.

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LibreOffice: Disable Typographic Quotes in Preformatted Text

Just so that I will never forget it again, because this now has been the second time that I had to look it up:

For a software manual, I made a paragraph style „Program Code“ that was derived from „Preformatted Text“. The first thing I tried typing in was

20 GOTO 10

LibreOffice 4 (like OpenOffice) has „Smart Quotes“ enabled by default, and as I was typing them in it began replacing the double-quotes with complex typographic quotation marks according to my document’s Locale. For programming language text this is inappropriate.

The option „Extras → Auto Correct Options → Smart Quotes“ can only be turned off on an all-or-nothing basis, but for natural language texts I would like to keep the behavior activated.

The solution:

Modify your paragraph style for code, for example type <F11> for the styles list, choose the paragraph styles tab, right-click on the style „Preformatted Text“ and choose „Modify“.

In the „Font“ tab, below the „Style“ selection box, you see a dropdown menu „Language“. Set this to „None“ and click „Ok“.

From then on, „Auto Correct“ will no longer apply „Smart Quotes“ to that style.

Super-Lightweight Nikes

Name: Nike „Free Run 2“. Heute besorgt – die sind mal echt super-leicht:

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Not Being Tracked by Functions In WordPress Core

Install the plugin „Disable Google Fonts“ to disable the loading of „OpenSans“ from Google when using WP admin. The font brings no advantages over the standard appearance of WP admin.

Note: „Disable Google Fonts“ is abandoned, and WordPress core apparently stopped loading fonts from Google.

Install the plugin „Disable Emojis“ to disable the loading of an external SVG. 😀

Utility to Generate Waveform JPG from CBR MP3

„waveform“ is a commandline utility for GNU/Linux, written in C, that takes a constant-bitrate (CBR) encoded MP3 file as input and generates waveform diagrams like this:

"waveform" Test #1: 16bit signed integer at 44100Hz, 1 channel.

„waveform“ Test #1: 16bit signed integer at 44100Hz, 1 channel.

"waveform" Test #2: 16bit signed integer at 44100Hz, 2 channels, joint stereo.

„waveform“ Test #2: 16bit signed integer at 44100Hz, 2 channels, stereo.

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Auf den Spuren römischer Infrastruktur

Ein Besuch auf einem römischen Bauernhof

Die Tage habe ich die „Villa Rustica“, also den römischen Gutshof im Wiesenbacher Forst „Herrenwald“ besucht. Es handelte sich um einen landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb römischer Zeit mit Ackerbau und Viehzucht aus der Zeit von 130 bis nicht später als 260 n. Chr.

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Using VIm’s „:v“ to Delete All Lines NOT Containing a Pattern

Addendum to my previous post

Using VIm’s „Negative Lookahead“ to Delete All Lines NOT Containing a Pattern

I received a message from a reader who goes by the name of „bw1“ who points out that my task „to delete all lines in the current file not containing the string foo“ can easily be accomplished by issuing this command


🙂 I should read the VIm documentation once in a while!