The Bourne Again Shell script presented in this article demonstrates techniques related to capturing and logging output (standard output and standard error stream) of a script into a log file while also delivering it to the regular output destinations (for example the terminal or whatever the caller has chosen to redirect to).
If you are just interested in the Bourne Again Shell code example, click here.
In the following, some questions are addressed:
- How to „clone“ standard output and standard error stream of a shell script to a single log file?
- Are the messages from both streams interleaved into a single file in the appropriate order?
- Can a script perform output cloning for some portions of its procedure while skipping it for others?
- Are there specific requirements for output that is to be cloned to a file?
- Are there best practices when a script modifies its own output redirections?
The example provided below has been tested on GNU/Linux using GNU „bash“ version 5 and „tee“ version 8.32 from GNU coreutils. It uses the Bash-only feature of process substitution. An implementation in POSIX Shell (possibly using only POSIX tools) would be more difficult.